We take for granted one of the most basic resources for life in general and every human being: clean air.
Talamon filter technology is used to realise this requirement and is therefore constantly manufactured in the highest quality and systematically further developed.
The aircraft, as a means of transport for passengers and as a workplace for the crew, is supplied in the cabin with a fresh air component from the air compressor unit of the engines, the bleed air and a recirculation component. This air is passed through particle filter elements as standard. In order to significantly increase the air quality and to provide additional protection in the event of engine malfunctions, the Talamon foam filter media reliably remove molecular odour and pollutant components from the recirculated air for several thousand operating hours. The situation in the cockpit is somewhat different since it is supplied exclusively with fresh air from the air compressor unit of the engines. Here the Talamon foam filter media remove any molecular pollutants that may enter.

Advantage 1
Filter media with very high capacity and kinetics

Advantage 2
Meets the highest safety standards in fire behaviour and are dust-free

Advantage 3
Works reliably even with strongly fluctuating humidity on the ground and in the air
Disturbing smells during cooking are no longer removed by kitchen hoods, which blow air to the outside and thus waste heating costs. They are removed in recirculation bonnets equipped with Talamon filter technology or filter units on the kitchen ceiling. The Talamon filter technology Premium Line is highly efficient, quiet in flow-through, and high humidity in the kitchen vapour does not result in a loss of performance. Even very strong cooking smells, such as fish smells, are reliably removed by a special functionalisation of the filter media. The Standard Line offers a lower-priced alternative with equally high performance too. Other applications in the household are Talamon filter media for refrigerators, hoovers and air purifiers.ADVANTAGE

Advantage 1
Reliable removal of specific cooking odours, e.g., fish smells

Advantage 2
Lower noise in flow-through when using the Premium Line

Advantage 3
Consistently high efficiency at high humidity with the Premium Line
Modern surgical methods such as high-frequency scalpels and laser scalpels have been used for years. With these methods, the tissue is precisely cut by means of concentrated thermal energy and blood vessels are sealed at the same time. In the process, various harmful gases, aerosols, and smoke particles are produced, which must be extracted and separated in a targeted manner. Talamon Premium Line flat filter media are used for the adsorptive removal of harmful gases such as phenol, toluene, cresol, formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide and many more. These offer the greatest possible safety for the operating theatre staff and the patient to protect them from the toxic gases that are produced. Mandatory in Germany according to TRGS525, 8.1.2. but also in the U.S.A., Canada, Denmark, and others.

Advantage 1
Very clean and dust-free filter medium

Advantage 2
Bacteriostatic effect

Advantage 3
Highest efficiency in the smallest installation space
Clean room
Clean room
The protection of a wide variety of production environments for the manufacture of highly sensitive microelectronic components requires top-quality air treatment. This requires filter media with excellent kinetics and high capacity at the lowest pollutant concentrations. The Talamon foam filter media as well as the Talamon flat filter media enable the reliable removal of AMCs (Airborne Molecular Contamination). This includes acidic pollutant gases, alkaline pollutant gases as well as volatile hydrocarbons. Depending on the requirements, customer-specific combinations of the various functional layers are possible.ADVANTAGE

Advantage 1
Combination of several specific sorbents in one medium against harmful gases

Advantage 2
High kinetics can be combined with high capacity

Advantage 3
Various types of activated carbon and ion exchangers can be used
Special applications
Special applications
The production of customised filter media is our ambition. No matter what challenge you have regarding the removal of molecular gaseous contaminants, Talamon filter media are the solution. Through the targeted combination of application-specific adsorbents, such as spherical or granulated activated carbon, chemisorptive impregnations on the activated carbon, various ion exchangers, superabsorbers, etc., we develop and manufacture your filter medium or filter element in high quality. Examples of possibilities are foldable flat filter media with up to 5 individual layers for high kinetics or foam filter packages with almost unlimited geometric possibilities for high capacity and long service life.ADVANTAGE

Advantage 1
Combination of different sorbents in one medium or filter element

Advantage 2
Different geometries are possible with Talamon filter media

Advantage 3
Fulfilment of the highest product requirements in terms of purity, abrasion (dust-free), fire behaviour etc. is possible
Breathing air
Breathing air
At physical rest, the average respiratory volume in young adults is about 0.5 litres. Under light physical exertion, the volume is somewhat higher. At 14 breaths per minute, the volume of air to be purified per minute is between 7-10 litres, and thus up to 0.6 m³ in one hour. This comparatively small air volume flow plays a decisive role in breathing air purification and makes it possible to accommodate long filter service lives in relatively small construction volumes for respiratory protection masks. In addition to military respiratory protection, respiratory protection at the workplace, e.g., for welding work, is of major importance. Often strong smelling and harmful substances must be removed, whereby the health protection is in the foreground. The Talamon foam filter elements, based on open-pored foam media covered with spherical activated carbon, are the first choice here.ADVANTAGE

Advantage 1
Flexible filter element

Advantage 2
Variable thickness, shape and capacity, can be functionalised to meet a wide range of requirements

Advantage 3
Comparatively low breathing resistance
Commercial vehicles:
Essentially, contaminants enter the vehicle cabin with the outside air.
Contaminants, such as pesticides and other plant protection agents in agricultural machinery, must be removed in accordance with DIN EN 15695, Cat 4. The situation is similar for landfill vehicles, where many environmental toxins are transported into the cabin through the outside air. These must also be removed in accordance with BGI 581 / DIN EN 14387. With sorptive Talamon filter media, these contaminants are eliminated or reduced to concentrations that are no longer hazardous. Talamon filter media and filter elements with a broadband impregnation are ideally suited for this purpose as a highly efficient solution.
Passenger cars:
Construction materials used in passenger car interiors emit a wide range of hydrocarbons, including aldehydes, benzene, toluene, and various other VOCs. Compliance with mandatory limits on indoor pollutant concentrations expected. Legal frameworks have already been created in China and South Korea. These can be efficiently removed by means of static sorption in specially developed Talamon filter elements.

Advantage 1
Possibility of retrofitting in already existing commercial vehicle fleet

Advantage 2
Reliable compliance with respiratory protection standards (in commercial vehicle cabins)

Advantage 3
Very large filter capacities possible due to geometries from 120mm thickness upwards
Passenger cars:
Construction materials used in passenger car interiors emit a wide range of hydrocarbons, including aldehydes, benzene, toluene, and various other VOCs. Compliance with mandatory limits on indoor pollutant concentrations expected. Legal frameworks have already been created in China and South Korea. These can be efficiently removed by means of static sorption in specially developed Talamon filter elements.

Advantage 1
Very effective adsorption in passenger cars by using foam media impregnated with spherical activated carbons

Advantage 2
Removal of substances that are difficult to adsorb such as aldehydes through special functionalisation of the spherical activated carbon

Advantage 3
Integration of the filter media in seats, floor mats and roof lining possible
Contaminant remediation
Contaminant remediation
Contaminated building interiors continue to be a hot topic. Numerous studies have shown that indoor outgassing has a significant impact on our health and well-being. Most of the toxins are released by building materials and auxiliary building materials that were used primarily in the 1960s and 1970s. Typical pollutants in this context are, for example:
• PCB (plasticisers in jointing and sealing compounds)
• PCP (disinfectant and fungicidal agent in wood preservatives)
The solution to the problem is an air-permeable, adsorptive wall covering made by Talamon. The concentration gradient between the wall containing the pollutant and the adsorber layer automatically sets a diffusion process in motion. Pollutant gas molecules push towards the interior, enter the adsorbents, and are securely and permanently bound there. The process only comes to a halt when the gradient is reduced, and the wall is free of pollutants. The large absorption capacity of the wall covering ensures safe adsorption even over a very long period, even in heavily polluted buildings. Since core renovation is usually very expensive and involves a long loss of use, the adsorptive wall covering is thus superior to classic renovation methods. Various sealing methods, on the other hand, lead to moisture and mould due to their barrier effect and leave the toxins in the wall. Even the smallest damage to the barrier can lead to intensive outgassing of the toxins at any time. Especially users of former paint shops, tyre stores, and dry cleaners are exposed to various released pollutants without protection. The building owners must therefore accept a usually considerable reduction in the value of their property if there is evidence of pollutant contamination.

Advantage 1
Building can be used immediately after renovation

Advantage 2
The very robust wall covering can be applied like wallpaper

Advantage 3
Very good physical properties due to air and water vapour permeability
The solution to the problem is an air-permeable, adsorptive wall covering made by Talamon. The concentration gradient between the wall containing the pollutant and the adsorber layer automatically sets a diffusion process in motion. Pollutant gas molecules push towards the interior, enter the adsorbents, and are securely and permanently bound there. The process only comes to a halt when the gradient is reduced, and the wall is free of pollutants. The large absorption capacity of the wall covering ensures safe adsorption even over a very long period, even in heavily polluted buildings. Since core renovation is usually very expensive and involves a long loss of use, the adsorptive wall covering is thus superior to classic renovation methods. Various sealing methods, on the other hand, lead to moisture and mould due to their barrier effect and leave the toxins in the wall. Even the smallest damage to the barrier can lead to intensive outgassing of the toxins at any time. Especially users of former paint shops, tyre stores, and dry cleaners are exposed to various released pollutants without protection. The building owners must therefore accept a usually considerable reduction in the value of their property if there is evidence of pollutant contamination.